Top Ten Armies: 07/06/14

SHERBET, SM Army Press Headquarters- This week Small Medium Army Press witnessed the fall of one of the most influential armies of 2013. This, along with other armies, bring a most exciting Top Ten.

June 29th to July 5th events


1. Golds [+3]

2. Metal Warriors [NEW!]

3. Celts [+5]

4. Redemption Force [NEW!]

5. Air Force [+4]

6. Soda Pop Army [+7]

7. Elites [NEW!]

8. Underground Mafias Army [DRP]

9. Rebel Penguin Federation [DRP]

10. Rockstars [+0]

<><><> Developing Armies <><><>

11. Royale Penguins [NEW!]

12. Fort Ghost Recon [NEW!]

13. Rare Penguins [NEW!]

14. Club Penguin Mafia [NEW!]

15. Guardian Penguins [-3]

Click HERE for the full statistics!


The Golds have had quite a week. The event titled “The Comeback Kid” was their most recent event on July 5th, 2014 where they maxed 20 and averaged 17. The Golds have found themselves in a status of war with the FGR against the SPA. Currently, the Golds have an owner meeting scheduled to discuss important matters.



The Metal Warriors have taken quite a drop the last couple of months after losing the SM Army Press Spring Showdown. The MW recently had a training event on July 5th, 2014 where they had maxed 10 while averaging a steady 8. The Metal Warriors currently have no events scheduled for this week.


The Celts, with the RF, move up a lot this week by moving up 5 spots in our top ten. Last week, we saw the Celts at the bottom of our top ten, but this week we see them at the top. Recently, the Celts had an unscheduled AUSIA event where they maxed 14 and averaged around 12. The Celts currently have no events scheduled for this upcoming week.



The Redemption Force take a huge leap to 4th after one of their creators, Blaze, retired. Last week, we didn’t see the RF in the Top Ten, but now they are starting to make a comeback. Their most recent event was an unscheduled training event where they maxed 17 and averaging 15 on July 5th, 2014. The Redemption Force currently have a war training today, but that is it for events as of now.


The Club Penguin Air Force have been recreated for about a few weeks now and they already average a nice and steady 10 while maxing around 12 at events. The AF have a lot of events this week where they maxed around 12-15 while averaging around 10. Their most recent event was an unscheduled raid of the Elites on July 5th, 2014 where they had maxed 15. The AF currently have no events scheduled for this week.

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The Soda Pop Army have not had many events this past week, but they have recently declared war on the Fort Ghost Recon, a former army brought back by creator, Elitesof. The SPA currently have many invasions of FGR scheduled for this next week.


The Elites are a fairly new army to the community as they were recently recreated. The Elites have recently had an unscheduled Practice Battle against the Air Force of CP. They maxed around 12-15 while averaging a steady 9. The Elites currently have many events scheduled for this upcoming week.



The Underground Mafias Army have quite a week. With their leaders, Wgfv and Daniel, retiring and new leaders coming into play. Niceguy09 has been voted into Wgfv’s former place of UMA Premier. Mach and Ryan have been promoted to the rank of leader. The UMA have recently declared war on the Army of Club Penguin for reasons such as they want it to be a “fun war” meaning both armies get any servers lost. The UMA currently have many invasions scheduled against the ACP.


The Rebel Penguin Federation, a former CPAC Top Five rank, has dropped to S/M Army Press #9. Many RPF troops thought RPF would get #1 this week, but according to the calculations, they have dropped badly. The leaders are trying desperately to get the RPF back to CPAC. The RPF currently have many events scheduled for this week.

Eating nachos 1


The Rockstars of CP don’t move up this week due to lack of events. The RCP had 4 events this week where they consistently maxed around 5-10 and averaging around 7-8. the Rockstars currently have no events scheduled for this upcoming week.


Poll of the Week:

Last week, we here at SM Army Press asked you guys to vote on what would be the best alternative game to switch to when CPNext comes along. The majority of the S/M army community voted for a Club Penguin Private Server which would indeed be very easy to switch to, but we will just have to wait and see. Here are YOUR results!

New polls are released every Sunday!

So, what did YOU think of this week’s Top Ten? Comment with YOUR opinion!


SM Army Press CEO

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SM Army Press Executive Producer

43 Responses

  1. RPF IS 9TH!? HOW?!


  3. Maybe after the Nacho Army has taken all of RPF’s servers, they can declare war on the Rockstars of CP to try to get some new ones haha.

  4. Celts rule,but i think so they must be bit higher as we got big sizes and tactics!Anyways Celts forever and good top 10 🙂

  5. Did someone drop on the keyboard whilst writing RPF’s description?

  6. RPF 9th ahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahhaahahahahha


  7. OMG. SMAP, I love you. I LOVE YOU. You made RPF 9th. They went from 5th on CPAC to 9th on SMAP. That’s falling 14 spots in a week! RPF, you suck. Soon corruptivity (is that a word?) will be removed, at least partially, from the great CPA community. I love you, SMAP, and you rock. (pty)

    • It surely is despciable of your nonsense to be revealing in the SMAP. As you currently must know, haters are not realising the fact, it is towards being bias and it is impolite to have such behaviour. I’d recommend that it would be possible to have respect towards all armies; Armies are meant to be for fun, it is not real armies, and it is true that RPF may be suffering. Although, I see you are Dark Warriors troop. I think it is potiential that RPF is rising. Also, I do not really care whether you dislike my comment. Also, let’s say all armies you hate or dislike are “cute” animals, such as puppies, cats, hamsters, or anything else. Then, would you really hate a puppy named “RPF?” It is true CP Armies are becoming very army-like. I’d recommend on not going that far. Also, as you must know. Corrupt and unscrupulous acts seems like there is a reason behind it. As there is a reason behind every reason. Dislike my comments haters, as I do not particularly care.

  8. wtf lol
    9th place for RPF is a big surprise
    but I knew they were already on a vicious downward spiral..

  9. Uma and RPF smap armies oshi

  10. Best top 10 ever 😀

  11. This is the worst top ten you guys have ever made. How the heck is MW 2nd? They had one event this week and got 10. Yet UMA had these events this week: A unscheduled USA event getting 15, another usa event getting 15, 17 vs DCP in a pb, 15 at a unscheduled uk event, and 10 at a unscheduled USA event. We should be higher than every army on this list.

  12. I mean 10 at a unscheduled AUSIA event*

  13. A much better top 10 than last week only 1 army missing and that is Light Mercenaries. I believe they got 8-10 at mos events

  14. Let’s go Air Force!! 😀

  15. Just one thing, MW was actually second on the Spring Showdown but we fell out of the Summer Clash in the first round

  16. Damn it.

  17. Nice top 10

  18. y u no add ih cring, not even in devolp army, cring we had events

  19. 6th, good enough.

  20. rpf makes acp look like gods hahahaahahahhahahah

  21. gg no re RPF

  22. 1. How is Wyo Leader of the Week it should be me.
    2. Elites 7th…
    3. ^(D)…

  23. Not arguing, but just want to point out that Golds had the best Ausia events of any army this week, getting up to 17 troops. Not to mention they were all unscheduled.

  24. For elites description, It wasn’t an unscheduled practice battle, It was a raid from air force. Other than that great top 10 hopefully AFCP will be In the top 3 next week! 😀

  25. A moment of silence for RPF.


  26. miner craft isn’t good for cp armies

  27. WTF just happened while I was gone

  28. lol wut “owl city207 wyoskyguy” owl is a whole other person

  29. […] The Rockstars were placed tenth in the SMAP top ten. They got many points for tactics as well as an average amount for size. Below is the top ten description. Too see the full top ten click HERE. […]

  30. Rare Penguins at 13th 😀

  31. Bias. Totally bias.

  32. […] Rebel Penguin Federation has struggled in recent weeks, hitting rock bottom at ninth on the SM Army Press Top Ten last week. Waffle has increasingly faced opposition for banning RPF veterans, who had been banned […]

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